New Arrivals and New Perspectives

Makayla, Arts Editor

St. Robert School just welcomed many new teachers into the community. One of these teachers, Ms. Àmorin, is an inspiring person who, not only teaches art but has a unique perspective on that art. Hailing from Illinois, she moved to Wisconsin accompanied by her positive and insightful outlook on art and life. Ms. Àmorin’s  desire and passion for teaching children will change students’ views on creativity and expression in a positive way.

Most people can reference and are inspired by one genre of art, but Ámorin views art differently; she loves, “whatever seems to be new to [her]… right now, [she has] really been embracing a lot of modern art.” However, she would have held a different opinion concerning art when she was younger. She claims Mary Cassatt and Degas were two of her favorite artists during her younger years. These impressionistic painters captured life in a beautiful way.

Àmorin’s mom guided her journey to art and education early on. “My mom is a teacher, and she said ‘you know Ana I think that you would be a really good teacher,’” stated Àmorin. Following her mother’s advice, she ended up going to Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois to study drawing and painting. After her years at Northern Illinois University, she worked in various fields: museums, Sunday schools, and at home raising her family. Finally, she began teaching art last year and joined St. Robert this fall. She started teaching as a Sunday school teacher which wasn’t as related to art but helped her with connecting to her students. Just last year then came to St. Robert and to share her new ideas, perspectives, and teachings with the students.

While teaching St. Robert students new things, Ms. Àmorin also incorporates her dedication in shaping students enjoyment and learning. She stated, “Each one of you comes with your own unique way of looking at the world and with a whole destiny of your own, and I feel very privileged to be a part of that journey.” Students in her class are engaged and get a chance to learn new unique things that no one else could teach them. She makes the class free alive and free spirited. Her students can even be caught in Mary’s garden drawing sunflowers instead of trapped in the school’s basement. Ms. Àmorin has given every student the opportunity to start his or her journey in art. Now, the choice to begin the journey is theirs.


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