Catch the Wave of Our School

Olivia, Fine Arts

Waves have been slowly appearing up and down the halls at St. Robert. These waves are in light blue dark blue and purple. Some are a creative mixture of all three colors“I always intend meaning and purpose [with] everything I do,” stated the art teacher Ms. Amorin in regards to the new project. These waves lived up to this standard of quality and intention. Where did she get this wonderful idea? The teacher states that she got some inspiration from the books Only One You by Linda Kranz and Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. Both books teach how important it is for people to be their own person and to be kind to others. This was one of her main inspirations. This also relates to the waves because the message behind the whole project is to sometime be your own person. Although, she also got inspired from the beginning of the Book of Genesis in the Bible. “I love how the spirit of God is depicted upon the water,” she said. Ms. Amorin also looked to other art teachers’ blogs for ideas.  After much research and inspiration, she turned the project over to her students..  

“The wave set the stage for the artwork to come,” she stated.

Each class got to paint a “wave” that would eventually be home to its own unique school of fish. “The waves are like our sea, our lake, our body of water because the theme of this school year is ‘catch the wave of our school,’” explains Ms. Amorin. This is important because not only is this the theme of this school year, it shares a beautiful message that many people should adapt. The message is reflecting how you should be your own person even if no one stands behind you.                                                                                                                                    

Every kid from K4 to 5th will create different kinds of fish that will be hung in the waves inspired by Only One You by Linda Kranz. The middle school (6th- 8th) will be painting water scenes that will be inspired by the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. These then would be hung around the waves.

“I wanted it to be dramatic, something that could represent us as a school,” Ms. Amorin shared. This project was just that.  Now, the waves are plastered all around the school’s stairs and hall ways. They are a constant reminder of the beautiful message behind them, which is that God the the wave, therefore God is catching you. Meaning that god is always there for you and he will catch you if you fall.  

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