A Sacrifice Worth a Story

Phoebe, Saints and Leaders

Imagine someone so faithful to God that they would devote their life to Him, someone like a priest or the Pope. Now, imagine someone so faithful to God that they would give their life for their faith! That’s what St. Lucy did. She gave up her life to stay close to God. If St. Lucy could give her life for God, then we should at least be able to learn about our faith and pay attention and be respectful in church.

St. Lucy lived in Syracuse, Italy most of her life but not much is known about her birth and death. She was dedicated to serving God at a very young age and always put Him first. When she got older, her mother tried to set up a wedding for her with a pagan, but Lucy only wanted Christ as her husband.

Eventually, her mother fell ill with a severe sickness and was suffering greatly. Lucy prayed that St. Agatha would intercede for her, and her mother was healed. After Lucy’s mother recovered, she realized that Lucy shouldn’t marry the pagan and canceled the wedding. The groom was extremely angry and told the government about her religion, and she was sentenced to be punished. When the guards came to take her, she didn’t move. The power of God helped to delay her death. They tied her to an ox and tried to pull her but nothing worked. Then they became angry and sentenced her to death. The guards placed wood all around her, but the wood would not light on fire. The mercy and strength of God saved her once again.

Finally, the guards were told to gouge out her eyes with swords and that killed her. However, many explain that when he body was being prepared for burial, her eyes grew back. Due to this, she was eventually named the patron saint of blindness. In art and pictures, she is usually seen holding her eyes on a plate and grasping a palm branch symbolizing her victory over evil.

People can live like St. Lucy by always trusting in God even in the darkest times. Because of Lucy’s faith and prayer to God, He protected her from the guards and healed her mother. Also, people should serve God first because no one person’s needs are more important than worshipping God. How everyone serves God on Earth will affect them greatly in the afterlife, so people should always work their hardest to worship God because it will help them get to heaven. Her feast day is December 13 and on that day, we should remember the brave sacrifice of her life she made for God.




“St. Lucy.” Catholic Online. Catholic Online, 2016. Web. 10/15/16. <http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=75>

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