The Meaning of Special

Leah, Guest Writer

St. Robert School enjoys celebrating Special Person’s Day each Spring, inviting people that are special to their students to get a glimpse of the school. Special Person’s Day is all about families and friends coming together and honoring who’s special in each student’s lives. Special people that come to visit may be a grandparent, parent, uncle or aunt, cousin, teacher, or a friendly neighbor; every student at St. Robert has a special person in mind.

The celebration starts out with a mass at St. Robert’s Church. Students and their special person are invited to come together and pray, thanking God for what they have: each other. A few students from each grade recite the readings and share intentions during the mass as others help by bringing up the gifts or serving. St. Robert was even blessed by Bishop Haines’ presence this year as the presider of the mass.

Afterwards, everyone gathers in the school and there are refreshments in the gym. The students are encouraged to show their special person around the school, introducing their teachers to their special person and pointing out their art and school projects that they have been working on.

Lily, a 7th grade student at St. Robert, explains “I do think that Special Person’s Day should [remain] a tradition in our school because students get to show off their school to people who are important to them.”

This event is meaningful to every student at St. Robert and those they come to visit. Lucie Madi, a special person who visited for this occasion, notes, “I like Special Person’s Day. My favorite part was when we prayed [the] Our Father together because I feel like we are connected in prayers.”

Special Person’s Day is a delightful occasion, and it makes everyone smile. Special Person’s Day has been a joyful event in the past, and it will continue in the future. St. Robert is privileged to honor the strong bonds their students have with the special people in their lives on this day.

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