Back to School Vibes

Phoebe, Blue Issue Editor

Every autumn is a time when students and teachers either dread the coming of school and the end of summer, or are excited to begin the new year of learning and reuniting with friends, classmates, and teachers. While the students of St. Robert hold some differing views, hopefully, the community can all come together and can make this school year the best one yet.

Many students were looking forward to the new school year and were happy to be back inside the classrooms. Eighth grader Cat says, “I was very excited to see all of my friends and to see the new media center.” Cat goes on to explain how the media center was a really good new addition to the school because it is interactive and beneficial to learning.

Katelyn, also an eighth grader at St. Robert School, was equally excited for the new year: “I liked seeing all of my friends, and I was excited to meet the new math teacher.”

Adding on, middle school teachers, Mr. Kierzek and Ms. Schulz, were also enthusiastic about the new year. “I was excited for our international students because I’m hoping we learn a lot about other cultures and ways of life,” Ms. Schulz states. There are two new international students in the middle school: Canja from China and Eric from Vietnam. Mr. Kierzek was also fired up for the new term: “I was excited to see all of the new faces in the sixth grade and all of the familiar ones in the older grades.” Over all, many people seemed really excited for the new school year and the community aspect that St. Robert provides.

Although lots of students and teachers were very excited for the new term, there were additionally some negative attitudes as the school year returned. Cat said, “I was definitely not excited to have homework and stressful tests.” There is a significant amount of homework, especially in middle school, and most students definitely do not enjoy having to complete it every night. Surprisingly, Ms. Schulz, the largest enforcer of the uniform policy says, “I wasn’t looking forward to enforcing the sock rule again.” At St. Robert, the policy of being “in uniform” is greatly enforced so all of the kids look professional in the school environment.

It is clear that there were lots of pros and cons that accompanied the start of this new school year. Mr. Kierzek commented, “I think that the school year is off to a strong start, but as always, there are some bumps that we’ll figure out.” If everyone continues to work hard this school year, those bumps along the road will not diminish the potential greatness that the 2017-2018 school year holds for this St. Robert school community.

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