Recess Basketball

Frankie, Daily Life

Recess is an essential part of any student’s school day. In fact, many students list recess as their favorite class though it is not truly an educational class. There are so many things one can do during this free period. Foursquare, tag, football, and soccer are just a few of the available activities to do at recess. One of the most popular things to do at St. Robert during recess is basketball.

Recess basketball is a fun way to play non-competitive basketball with your friends. Conor, an eighth grader states, “It’s really fun to be able to play for fun with everyone.” Many middle schoolers in 6th through 8th grade participate in this entertaining recess activity. Playing basketball is a way to escape the stress and labor of school for 30 minutes. Students can choose to participate in a variety of different types of basketball games at recess. Sometimes five-on-five is played, but the most popular game is world cup. Conor explains, “World cup is when everyone gets to play in the first round but the first 5-8 players to score get to advance to the next round. In the second round, it is normally the first 3 or 4 to score and then from there are the number of players to score gets gradually smaller. It’s very fun.” This game gives each kid an equal chance to win, making it very fun and still competitive at times.

Recess basketball is enjoyed by all who play. Playing recess basketball helps kids get better at the sport while also providing a fun environment while competing. The age difference when playing is never a problem because everyone is playing together and younger students can even benefit from the advice given to them from the older students. Anyone is allowed to participate, and all students should consider trying it next time they step outside for recess.


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