In With the New

Katie, Progress and Change

Very few people understand what comes with teaching at a school like St. Robert. The school receives applicants each year for new teachers. Most times these applicants are simply just looking for a change or a new challenge to take on, which brings them to St. Robert.

Ms. Vogler, a first grade teacher and one of the newest additions to the St. Robert school  staff,  transferred from St. Anthony’s this past year. During the application process, she sat down with the school principal to figure out if St. Robert was the best fit for her. She says, “When I met with Mrs. Beckmann, she was so excited and passionate about her school, her students, and her teachers. I wanted to be part of a team that had such a positive forward energy.” After that interview, she realized that St. Robert was her new path in life. Thus far, Ms. Vogler says her experience has been pleasant! She thinks that everyone in the St. Robert community is very thoughtful and all the staff members have a devoted passion for teaching and learning.

Her experience at the school has been very positive. As soon as she began teaching at St. Robert, she noticed how welcoming and open everyone was towards her. She elaborates on how kind everyone has been by stating, “It’s been great! Everyone is so kind and thoughtful. The teachers, students, and parents really care about each other here at St. Robert. I felt that as soon as I started.”

Her passion for working with kids started when she began babysitting at age 11. She often offered to take care of cousins while their parents were out and about.  Ms. Volger  always took interest in the process of learning and growing as a child. With those two things in mind, she decided to further pursue a career in teaching. Ms. Vogler went to college at Marquette University for four years in order to practice teaching and learn best how to serve students, which is exactly what she plans to do for most of her life.

New teachers like Ms. Vogler continue to impress the veteran staff of St. Robert School, and she is definitely a great addition to the community. Ms. Vogler explains, “I love what I do every day, I constantly feel energized and inspired by my students in the classroom.  They will realize that in the long run, they are benefitting from the tiresome days throughout the year.” Her enthusiasm to teach makes children appreciate school more. Next time you’re taking a walk down on the first grade floor, give a warm welcome to the newest member of the St. Robert community, Ms. Vogler!

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