Farewell to Father

Molly, Saints and Leaders

Father Dennis is retiring after working for the St. Robert Parish community for fourteen years. During this time, he has done so much for the church and its people. Out of all of the things he did, his favorite was celebrating Mass. Often, during Fr. Dennis’ homilies, he asks the students questions. Something that stood out to him was when he asked the fourth grade, “How deep and how wide is God’s love?” One child responded with “As deep as a bottomless pit, and as wide as the universe.”

His plans for the future are to live with his sister in Slinger, Wisconsin and help out nearby parishes. The thing that most excites him about this transition is that he will no longer have to attend any meetings and will be able to focus on doing what he loves as a priest, which includes saying Mass, anointing the sick, and presiding at funerals. He hopes that in his absence, St. Robert will be able to “start a capital campaign to take care of building repairs and use the stewardship dollars to support ministries.”

When asked what piece of advice he would give to the new priest who will be filling his shows, Father Dennis answered, “It is very important for him to be a people person to all different levels, whether it is in the grade school, high school, senior citizens, and everyone else in between.” This was a huge part of his work in the parish community, which makes it hard for him to leave the people he has worked with and come to know over the years.

Father Dennis has contributed so much to St. Robert. He sums up his years here with one word: “grateful.” However, the St. Robert community are truly the grateful ones for all the hard work, dedication, and love that he demonstrated towards the community and will continue to demonstrate as he moves on to a new exciting chapter in his life.

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