High School Sports

Conor, Sports

Many people that have had good experiences on their grade school sports teams plan to extend their career into high school. Two 8th graders at St. Robert, Mitchell and Katie, have clearly had much fun playing their sports as they will be playing these sports at DSHA and Whitefish Bay High School. The two are both very excited to be playing at a more advanced and competitive level.

Mitchell plans on playing baseball and basketball while Katie plans on playing basketball, volleyball, and soccer. Both of them know many classmates that will be attending their future high schools, and who will also be playing the same sports. They both have had much experience with their respective sports and plan on playing their sports as long as they can. The two even want to be able to have the chance of playing during college. When asked about if she thinks she can play in college, Katie says, “If I stay committed and still want to then, maybe.” Mitchell also wants to be able to play at the college level for baseball and thinks he may be able to have that chance because he has had some great experiences with a really good team and organization.

Mitchell and Katie are both athletic people but their positions on the court/field are very different. For example, Katie plays outside hitter for volleyball, defense for soccer, and for basketball, Katie claims she can play any position – wherever they need her to – while Mitchell wants to play third base or pitch for baseball and is more of a forward for basketball.

Katie says, “I like playing these sports because I like making new friends”, and Mitchell said, “I have always loved and been good at both baseball and basketball.” One thing Katie doesn’t like about the sports she plays is how physical and intense people get at times, but Mitchell likes everything about his sports.

Additionally, when asked why both Mitchell and Katie play these sports, their answers were slightly different. Mitchell laughed at the question and then said, “Well, I don’t have much else to do, plus I’m good at them.” Katie said, “I play sports because I want to make my dad happy, but I also really like them a lot.” Mitchell and Katie both have been playing sports since they were very young, and they both hope to continue to play them for as long as they can.

In conclusion, playing sports in high school is good way to get involved and to meet new people. Also, Mitchell and Katie have been playing their own sports for many years, and like many people in high school, they too hope to have the chance to continue their sports beyond their high school years.

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