Fiserv Forum: New and Innovated

Lily L, Off Campus News

Most people have a sports team they follow, whether it is a baseball team, hockey team, basketball team, or soccer team. Following the score and going to games is always fun. Fans are always excited to walk inside the big stadiums and celebrate with the other fans, making sporting events always something to look forward to. Furthermore, any new additions that are made to sports stadiums are always something fans get excited to check out in person. In Milwaukee this year, the Milwaukee Bucks’ arena got more than a standard remodel – they got a whole new stadium with new upgrades, a cool new design, and modern characteristics.

Many people volunteered their time and gifts to help make this stadium, The Fiserv Forum, better than the last one. The previous stadium, the BMO Harris Bradley Center, was opened October 1, 1988. At this new stadium, all visitors will get the full Bucks experience due to the creative work that was done by the construction team.

Ms. Tess Massaroni was a superintendent on the construction of the Fiserv Forum and employee of Mortenson Construction, the company hired to complete the job. She says that “the seats are arranged so everyone in the arena has great views of the floor and feels very close to the action.” Going to any event and feeling distant or unengaged is horrible, so the seating was rearranged in order to improve the fan experience. Another update coming with this new building is all the new food options. The well-known Chick-Fil-A and Colectivo are now available options within the venue, as well as local businesses like The Milwaukee Pretzel Company and Cedar Crest Ice Cream among many others. Also, there are over 800 televisions in the arena, so no action will be missed while waiting in line to buy the food.

The NBA wanted the Bucks to have a more up-to-date stadium, so construction for the arena started in June of 2016. For any project, there is usually a deadline, so people make schedules and create reminders that will ensure this deadline is met. The construction of the stadium took two years to complete, and “for the construction of a building this size and complexity, I would say this was a fairly quick pace,” says Ms. Massaroni. The exterior of the building was designed to look streamlined and become a landmark in Milwaukee. The curving bronze-colored siding certainly accomplished this goal. Beyond the looks of the structure, building a stadium like this requires a lot of thought put into elements such as heating and cooling, the support system, the mechanical system, and water resistance; it is not an easy job, but it can be done given a dedicated and progressive staff. The building’s curved exterior edge made it especially difficult to construct because large curved steel pieces had to be made and placed carefully to fit correctly.

The Fiserv Forum is a wonderful new stadium for the Bucks because of its many new features. Clearly, a lot of time and effort were needed to create the masterpiece, but it is now a new desired destination for many people. The stadium’s modern touches and new features will help the events hosted there to flourish and grow, gaining the favor and attention of the entire country.

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