Farewell Mr. Rohlinger

Matthew H., Daily Life

The long-term substitute for the middle school math teacher, Mr. Rohlinger, has left the school. He will now be going back to programming the information for a start-up company based in New York at Stony Brook University. The students will miss Mr. Rohlinger, and he will miss them because according to Mr. Rohlinger said that teaching us was the most fun he had all year.

Mr. Rohlinger’s main job is organizing information and files. In fact, he is the chief information officer for an organization in New York, but he works from home here in Wisconsin. His start-up company helps the incoming freshmen at Stony Brook University get their drives on their devices ready for the school year. However, while Mrs. Kinateder was away spending time with her newborn, Mr. Rohlinger came along and substituted for her. In order to do this, he took a sabbatical from his regular job. This moved allowed him to return to something he had done long ago: teaching. While he was here, students learned many things with him as their teacher, such as how to find a missing angle in a triangle or in a quadrilateral.

Along with Mr. Rohlinger working for a college in New York, he also does some volunteer work in the county of Milwaukee. According to Mr. Rohlinger, on some weekdays he likes to help out in the lunch kitchen at St. Robert’s sister parish, Holy Family. Along with helping out in the kitchen, Mr. Rohlinger also teaches religious education at Holy Family. His lessons cover Bible passages, what God calls us to do as Christians, and avoiding sin and temptations.

In conclusion, Mr. Rohlinger will be missed because of his outgoing spirit and his great enthusiastic personality. He taught his classes many things in math, but also taught them technical terms and strategies in fun ways using a Kahoot or IXL. Many of the students here liked him as a teacher. He will be missed at St. Robert School.

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