First Day Catastrophe

Evelyn C., Narratives


“Thank you so much!” I shouted.

“I think that you will make a great addition to the team,” Michael Scott exclaimed. I was so excited to get hired that I asked to start right away. Michael graciously accepted my request.

“What is your position here?” asked one of the cameramen.

“I am a salesman here. I sit next to Jim!”

My first day did not go the way that I thought it would. I brought some of my clients from my old job at Prince Paper with me. All of a sudden one of them called me and said that they wanted to stay with Prince Paper. This was my biggest client; I knew that Michael was going to be mad at me.

“What happened?” asked the cameraman. My heart sank as my eyes welled up with tears.

“I lost my biggest client, The Ambrose Group!” I whined. I wiped my eyes and walked out of the conference room. I clenched my fists; they became wet and clammy.

I didn’t know if I should tell Michael because I didn’t want him to get mad at me.

“Jim,” I whispered, “I have a dilemma.”

“What?” Jim asked.

“I lost The Ambrose Group account,” I said quietly. Jim’s eyes opened as wide as a full moon.

“Uh-uh,” he stuttered. “I don’t know what you should do. There might be an opening at Athlead,” he joked. My face started to heat up and it got as red as a ripe tomato. Jim is the only helpful salesmen, and even he doesn’t know how to fix it!

I then decided to go to the top salesman and beet farmer, Dwight K. Schrute.

“Dwight?” I questioned.

“What now?” Dwight snapped back.

“I understand that you are very busy with your beet farm and everything, but can I have a moment of your time?” I asked sheepishly. Dwight stared me dead in the eyes and gave me the biggest eye roll.

“What!?” he shouted annoyed.

“Shh! This is serious,” I harshly whispered.

“Oh, sorry princess. Do you want a throne?”

“Dwight, seriously!” I exclaimed, “I lost the Ambrose Group account.” Dwight’s eyes got as big as Jim’s had.

“T-th-the Ambrose Group Account?” Dwight stuttered, “that’s our biggest client.” A pit had begun forming in my stomach. My face felt as hot as a fire.

“What happened?!” Kevin, an accountant, shouted as he heard how scared Dwight was. I slowly made my way over to his desk, and he had a very worried look in his eyes.

When I made it to his desk, I slowly and quietly said, “I lost the Ambrose Group account.”

“Uh-oh,” Kevin gulped, “Um… do you want an M&M?”

“No thanks,” I nervously chuckled.

While Kevin and I were chatting, I heard loud talking very faint in the background.

“Michael!” I heard Dwight say. I saw Dwight out of the corner of my eye in Michael’s office. Uh-oh. What can they be talking about? I saw Dwight’s big finger point at me through the glass. I ground my teeth together because I was so nervous and angry at Dwight. I stared at the two of them with fire in my eyes. I can’t believe that Dwight did this. What a snitch!

“Agatha Thumbstetter! My office – now!” Michael scolded. I sluggishly made my way into Michael’s office.

“What’s this about you losing the Ambrose Group account? That’s awful, what a disgrace to the company! How did you lose them?” Michael asked.

“I-I um…” I stammered, “They just left.”

“What?! What?!” Michael shouted. “That’s it!” Michael rushed into the work space and shouted, “Conference room meeting now!” Everyone slowly made their way into the conference room, not thinking anything of it considering the fact that Michael calls twelve meetings a day.

“We have a dilemma!” Michael barked. “Agatha lost her biggest, nae our biggest client.”

“We’ve heard!” Phyllis said. “I don’t think that you have to come for her like this.”

“Yeah,” Andy agreed, “I for one have lost tons of clients.”

“Boss, I think we should let this one slide,” Creed chimed in.

“Yeah, you, Michael, have been here for 19 years. You must have lost a big client, right?” Pam added. Michael was very overwhelmed by all the backup that people were giving me.

“Guys,” Michael screamed, “I was just trying to test your loyalty!” His face untensed as a smile spread across his face.

“Oh, sure,” Phyllis sarcastically commented.

“I’m serious guys!” Michael laughed. Many more eye rolls and sarcastic comments came from the crowd.

“Thank you all for standing up for me, and thank you Michael for proving their loyalty,” I announced, “Michael, I am truly sorry for losing the client!”

“It’s okay, we all make mistakes.”  



The characters in this story were originally created by the NBC writers.

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