Turkey Time!

Ava H.

This is a time of year when turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy are very popular items that are bought at the store: Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays to spread joy, and give thanks. People have many different traditions and ways they like to spend this festive holiday.

This year Thanksgiving is on Thursday, November 28th. It is a national holiday celebrated all throughout America. In 1620, a ship called the Mayflower carrying 102 passengers looking for freedom sailed to America. These Pilgrims were looking for a place to call home, as they wanted to practice religion freely. Pilgrims worked on corn harvest and then after it was successful, the governor organized a feast to celebrate the accomplishment, and it was known as the first Thanksgiving. The Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared a feast together in 1621.  Until 1863, Thanksgiving was not a national holiday. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln announced that Thanksgiving would be a holiday held each November. 

Christina, an 8th grader at St. Robert states that she likes “spending time with [her] family because they live hours away and [she] likes how they can tell [her] how [she] can do better in school.” To most people, Thanksgiving is a time to get together with family. Lindsey, another 8th grader, shares her thoughts on this holiday: “I like feeling the fat from the food expand my belly outwards.” Out of every holiday, this holiday is known best for having a lot of different types of food on the table all at once. 

Holiday festivals are another way to celebrate Thanksgiving. These festivals are fun ways to laugh and hang out with friends, family, and neighbors. Some types of festivals that take place in Milwaukee during the Thanksgiving season are Pie Baking Sessions, Thanksgiving Centerpiece Workshops, and Harvest Table Design. A pie baking session is when a person is part of a group that makes mini pies to take home and are shared with family. While bakers make the pies, the pie experts that are present at that session gives the class tips, secrets, and more about baking pies. At Thanksgiving Centerpiece workshops, a wood box is given to every participant to paint and decorate with flowers, Also, the participants create more fun holiday centerpieces to give the holiday table amazing. The Harvest Table Design festival is a workshop for people of all ages to come and create a flower centerpiece for the table. Thanksgiving is known to be a colorful holiday and with vibrant flowers in the middle of the dinner table, Thanksgiving dinner will be and enjoyable to all.     

Lastly, foods are one of the best things about Thanksgiving. There are many different types of foods that are served on the table. The most significant part to a Thanksgiving table is the turkey. Turkey is usually the piece of food that everyone eats on this day. Well known items to be served on this day are mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls, casseroles, roasted veggies, and cranberry sauce. 

Thanksgiving is one of the best times of year. It is a time to laugh with your family and friends, and hang out with them. 




“Harvest Table Design.” Eventbrite. Event Brite, 26 November 2019. www.eventbrite.com/e/harvest-table-design-tickets-73752639129?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

History.com Editors. “Thanksgiving 2019.” History. A&E Television Networks, October 27 2009. www.history.com/topics/thanksgiving/history-of-thanksgivi         


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