Masks- They Are Saving Peoples Lives

All over the United States, fabric shops are opening up to serve only one purpose: to assist the people that have dedicated their days to making masks. People all over the US have been helping hospitals and clinics by sewing masks in their free time, and in order to do that, the volunteer seamstresses must have access to materials. 


In Milwaukee, a group called the Mask Sewist was formed on Facebook. This group shares materials and patterns to make things easier for each other. There are even drop boxes to deposit masks that have been sewn when complete, and people are finding ways to share elastic, fabric, and little 3D bias tape makers. Sharing elastic has helped people because since everyone is making masks, there has been a shortage of elastic in the stores and even online. 


This task of mask-making has been done mostly by women. In an article written by the New York Times, it was reported that “In World War II, women were making bullets to protect our country. Now, they are at their sewing machines.” It is so great to see women stepping up and helping out to make a difference in the world by sewing masks for the front-line workers fighting to help stop COVID-19. 


Thanks to their support,  most hospitals, blood banks, and residence homes are covered and have masks. Now, the general public just need masks. In fact, many places are requiring citizens to wear masks when they leave home. Many stores in Wisconsin have proclaimed wearing masks mandatory for customers who wish to enter their stores. For example, Costco has made masks mandatory nation-wide. While this has caused some turmoil, the general public seems to be responding well to the mandate. People everywhere are turning to sew their own masks or purchasing homemade masks from others. 


As more stores are opening up, the more the general public has to worry about being safe, so numbers of COVID positive people don’t rise, which may lead to returning to quarantine . The safest thing to do is wear a mask and stay six feet apart from others, so people don’t end up losing their summers because of quarantine. 



” Sewing Army Making Masks for America.” The New York Times. New York Times Company, 25, March 2020,


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