The Variety Show

Eliza T, Columnist

Recently, St. Robert School announced a talent show that all St. Robert students participate in. It’s called the Variety Show. Before the pandemic, the Variety Show was an in-person event where kids showcased their talents on the St. Robert stage for everyone to enjoy. Now, kids will video themselves doing some sort of talent and submit the video to be included in the virtual event.

All video submissions were due Monday, 17th of May. They sent a video of their talent attached to an email addressed to Jack Littrell. Mr. Littrell then organized all the videos he received and used the help of older students to introduce each act at the beginning of the video segments. These helpers may also tell jokes or stories, making the video compilation seem like a real talent show, not just a long string of videos. Mr. Littrell is the dad of fifth grader Luke Littrell. He has been helping with the variety show for some years now. Mr. Littrell transforms the separate performance videos sent to him into a show. Mr. Littrell works with the other helper to create dialog and jokes to connect one act to the next and introduce each performer.

The kids who are participating in the show so far are Sidney Sommerfeild in first grade, Ewan McGrath in fourth grade, Eilee McGrath in fifth grade, and Noah Hefel in fifth grade. After the show has ended, there will not be a winner or a loser, and it will just be a show for all to watch and enjoy. Students of all ages could submit a video if they would like to, as well as teachers and staff members. Talents could be telling jokes, dancing, singing, playing an instrument, doing a magic trick, or anything else. The Variety Show can be a fun activity for anyone at St. Robert School of all ages, and it’s free to watch.

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