Christine Caine: Putting a Halt on Human-Trafficking

Mary Clare A, Columnist

Every year millions of innocent men, women, and children are victimized by arrogant human-traffickers for want of  physical labor, abuse, and power. No matter what their age, gender, or physical state, these victims are deceived, lured into a trap, and abused. Traffickers’ victims are too terrified of their abusers to report them, so they are left mentally and physically scarred for life. Often times, victims cannot escape their abusive situations. However, Christine Caine and others are working to find a solution to cease the destructive issue closing in on the world. 

According to journalist Emma Fowle, Christine Caine was born in Sydney, Australia in 1966. Her immediate family was not incredibly safe or supportive. Christine was bullied at school as well as assaulted many times as a teenager. Then, when she was thirty-three years old she learned that she had been adopted — left unwanted and unnamed at a hospital by her Greek birth-parents. Being victimized and abused left Christine feeling shame and bitterness. She developed unhealthy behavior and negative thought patterns. 

However, attending Sydney University changed Christine’s life drastically. After hearing a Christian pastor speak at a seminar, she was intrigued by the Gospels and Jesus Christ. She was at first sceptical about the themes of grace and love’s healing powers, but over time as she attended more church services and met more Christians, Christine embraced Christianity.

As an adult, Christine created A21 with her husband. A21 is an organization that “has an emergency hotline that victims and bystanders can use to obtain help. A21 works to provide relief (education, nourishment, and safety) to trafficking-filled and povertous communities through donations received,” states Fowle. 

A21 works to help people suffering from any kind of trafficking situation. For example, according to the A21 website, many young teenage girls meet guys through social media. After months of “dating” they are often asked to make physical contact. Lots of times, they end up in dangerous situations in order to gain money. In most cases, they grow addicted to illegal drugs and continue to be abused. However, when victims or bystanders call A21’s hotline, these women can be rescued. 

Not only does A21 work to help young women in need, but A21 also works to rescue victims of traffickers seeking cheap physical labor from vulnerable individuals. For example, many Filipinos want to find work in the US. Occasionally, Filipinos and other migrants find work in America through an untrustworthy agency run by traffickers. The migrants travel to the US expecting better living-conditions and suitable work, but when they reach the work station, they receive the opposite — terrible housing, brutal work, and no wages. When the migrants attempt to protest, their employers threaten to turn them over to the police with no passport or identity profiles. However, by reaching A21 or people able to, victims can escape their enslavement. 

Along with co-founding A21 with her husband, Christine also created Propel Women, an organization dedicated to helping women reach their full potential through finding faith in Jesus Christ. Propel Women’s three main goals are to “empower women with biblical wisdom and encouragement,…equip women with practical training and education,…and mobilize women by providing hands-on leadership opportunities.” Propel Women works especially to support women after escaping a trafficking situation. 

Christine was inspired to create A21 and Propel Women because of her personal experience as a victim of abuse and hate. She allowed her troubled experiences to inspire her and others to work against human-trafficking and be strong Christians. In an interview with the radio station Hope 103.2, Christine says, “I’m helping girls in the A21 transition homes who have been brutally abused…and are so shame-filled, helping them find their identity in Christ and stand on their own two feet.” 

According to an article by Clare Bruce, Christine Caine has written multiple books explaining her journey of allowing Christ to take over her life despite her difficult past. She has written Undaunted, Unstoppable, Unashamed, Unbreakable, Unshakeable, and Unexpected, a series of books telling of her life, struggles, missions, and faith along with other books. Her most recent book, How Did I Get Here?, was published in 2021. 

Despite her troubled childhood, Christine Caine was a courageous and steadfast woman. She allowed the difficult parts of her life to influence her values and goals. In an interview with Hope 103.2, Christine states, “My goal isn’t to be a career Christian. My goal, in my openness, is to say: ‘God can use anyone.’ I believe there’s a heaven and hell, that Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried and rose again for our sins. I believe he is coming back. And I believe that impacts 24 hours of our day, seven days a week and every sphere of life. I live like a radical because I think we all should. I want us all to make it to the finish line. You’ve got to keep stirring up that gift of faith…” Just like Christine Caine, Christians around the world should be unashamed of their beliefs and opinions, being ready to sacrifice everything — social standings, health, public image, even their life — for the sake of Christ. 


“About Us.” Propel Women, Propel Women, n.d.,

Bruce, Clare. “From Abused to Unashamed: Christine Caine’s Story.” Hope 103.2, Hope Media Ltd., 26 April 2016, 

“Child Sexual Exploitation.” A21, A21, n.d., 

“Domestic Servitude.” A21, A21, n.d., Fowle, Emma.

“Christine Caine: The prolific evangelist and activist isn’t slowing down yet.” Premier Christianity, Premier Christianity, 30 June 2021,

“Who Is The Propel Woman?” Propel Women, Propel Women, n.d.,


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