Protectors of our Parish: Our Veterans!

Rohan M, Columnist

In prior years, November 11th was just another normal day at St. Robert for students and teachers. This year was different though as the new gym teacher introduced a way to celebrate the national holiday that is commemorated on November 11th. Mrs. Zehren, the new physical education teacher at St. Robert, brought a Veterans Day program to the school. The celebration included much love to veterans connected to the St. Robert community. Taps, a 9/11 story, and a moment of silence were just a number of somber events that happened. To wrap up the event, a very rainy flag raising ceremony took place followed by a reception for veterans and their families.

 Mr. Doug Lemke, a veteran- now police officer, gave his time to be interviewed following the event. The veteran shared information about his four year military campaign as well as life after leaving the military. Mr. Lemke is currently a Milwaukee County police officer, and he has two kids who attend St. Robert. His 7th grader, Emme, is a fellow staff member on the White and Blue Press while 2nd grader Aidan is a ball of energy. Mr. Lemke carries on a tradition from the military, as he not only was honored to be a part of Veterans Day, but he was also celebrating the Marines founding. That branch of the military was founded on November 10th, a day before Veterans Day.

 The very first Veterans day celebration happened at St. Robert on November 11th. The event included the recognition of multiple veterans who have St. Robert children, grandchildren, or friends. Tariq, an eighth grader at St. Robert, explained the history of Veterans day during the assembly. The celebration was formed originally for WW1 veterans in 1919, and the day was originally named Armistice Day. The day was then changed to be called Veterans Day in 1954, to honor all veterans, not just those who served in WWI. Veterans Day is commonly mistaken with Memorial Day, yet Memorial Day is to remember and honor those who died in service. Anaya, another 8th grader, explained who Veterans are, so that everyone at the event could understand this special term. A veteran is someone who served in the United states military, either in active duty or reserves. They may have flown planes, cooked food, fought in battles, or more.

St. Robert’s inaugural Veterans Day Celebration was a success and brought much recognition to our school’s true heroes. Students were able to reflect on the men and women that served, or gave their life, for our country. Emme, a 7th grader, says that, “The program was an inclusive and positive reflection on the Veterans associated with our school.” The Veterans program was a huge feat to be pulled off by Jan Zheren, and much credit is due to her. It is safe to say that students will be hoping for another amazing program for next year!


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