$800,000 of Nike Shoes Snuck Away

Aaron E, Editor-In-Chief


In 2022, there are many Nike sneaker styles that are worth hundreds of dollars. One shoe in particular, the Air Jordan, has exploded in popularity, which led to their price also skyrocketing. Almost every new Jordan shoe that came out this year was being bought instantly as soon as it was released. 


Recently on September 6th, thieves broke in to a large distribution center located in Memphis containing $800,000 worth of Nike shoes. These shoes were originally located in a yard of shipping containers before they were stolen. A lot of the shoes that were in the shipping containers were less popular Nike models, but behind all of those shoes were highly coveted ones. There were cases and cases containing hundreds of unreleased Air Jordan 4s, 6s, and 11s. These unreleased models were projected to go for up to $350. 


According to Nike, there are security cameras and barbed wired fences around the facility, but they have no information about the thieves that may help to identify them. Their cameras are only around the outside of the facility, so Nike couldn’t not obtain footage of the crime being. This isn’t the first time shoes have been stolen from this particular distribution center. The center has high visibility and its stock of valuable products is well known. News of the crime started to spread on Facebook when somebody posted a video of the containers with Nike shoe boxes. There were also other posts on Instagram showcasing the shoes obtained through the theft. 


These people on Instagram had dozens of cases of valuable Air Jordan models that they were planning on reselling. Reselling is the process of purchasing an item from a retail store although the thieves did not purchase these shoes, in this case being Nike, and selling them on a different marketplace to make a profit. Through reselling shoes, doing this process with Nike shoes should typically profit $150-250 dollars per shoe. However, the thieves in this situation got their shoes for free, so they are making even more of a profit by selling the shoes they obtained. 


In conclusion, these criminals are taking away from the sneaker community by stealing these valuable shoes. Nike is still searching for these criminals, and it would only be right if they are put to justice. 



Dwyer, Ross. “$800k USD of Nike Shoes and Clothing Stolen in Memphis.” Hypebeast, Hypebeast Hong Kong Ltd., 9 September 2022, hypebeast.com/2022/9/nike-shoes-clothes-stolen-memphis-800k.

Mane, Jay. “20 Trucks Robbed of $800,000 Worth of Nike shoes and Apparel in Memphis.” Snobette, Snobette, 8 September 2022, snobette.com/2022/09/20-trucks-robbed-of-800000-in-nike-shoes-and-apparel-in-memphis/.


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