Ms. Luna is Back to St. Robert

Alexander O, Coloumnist

Mrs. Luna is the soon to be 2nd grade teacher at St. Robert School for the remaining part of the 2022-2023 school year. Currently, Ms. Luna is a student teacher working with Mrs. Stefaniak, a 3rd grade teacher at St. Robert School, who is shaping Ms. Luna into a great teacher. The inclusion of Ms. Luna into the full time faculty at St. Robert is a critical addition to the community with many benefits.

Scarlett, a 3rd grade student at St. Robert School states that “Ms. Luna is super nice, and I think she will be a good teacher.” Scarlett is currently in Mrs. Stefaniak’s 3rd grade class, which Ms. Luna is instructing. Scarlett loves Ms. Luna because of her cheerful personality that she uses to brighten the classroom each day. Scarlett and other students love Ms. Luna and want her to stay with them for the rest of the year. However, upon the completion of her student teaching semester, she will be moving on in order to be a lead teacher in second grade.

Ms. Luna says that she “…will officially complete my studies at Marquette this December.” Ms. Luna is a graduate of St. Robot School and even had Mrs. Stefaniak as her 4th grade teacher when she was a student. Ms. Luna’s student teaching placement was completely random, but she got lucky to once again be studying at St. Robert. Ms. Luna also remarks that “I’ve known that I wanted to teach for a very long time, so it is super exciting finally being able to teach my own class.” In January 2023 she will officially become the newest teacher at St. Robert School.

Mrs. Stefaniak has been a great mentor for Ms. Luna. Mrs. Stefaniak has taught for 29 years at St. Robert and in addition to her time teaching at other schools. When Mrs. Stefaniak was asked if Ms. Luna will be a good teacher, she exclaims that “Ms. Luna will be a great teacher. She has worked with kids for years at Dominican musical camps, and she has been babysitting for a long time.” Ms. Luna has had plenty of experience with children, so it will be easy for her to connect with her students and help them learn new concepts. Ms. Luna works well with Mrs. Stefaniak and the other St. Robert School staff members. In the first few weeks of being a student teacher usually people observe the teacher, but Ms. Luna took over a morning meeting and taught math right away due to her natural teaching talents.

Ms. Luna has been a great addition to the St. Robert community, and teachers and students alike feel blessed that she will be remaining here after the completion of her student teaching position. She will be an official full time teacher at St. Robert starting in January 2023. Ms. Luna has support from the entire staff and will become a very successful teacher. Ms. Luna is once again back home at St. Robert School.

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