Little Kitchen Academy

Carolina K., Off Campus

The new company Little Kitchens Academy is anticipated to be a part of the Milwaukee community very soon. With many locations across North America, this franchise is now setting up shop in Milwaukee! Children ages from 3-18 are taught to cook various foods after enrolling in this unique academy experience. The goal of the company is to teach children how to eat healthier and most importantly cook! 


Ms. Rosanna Casper, the new owner of the Milwaukee locations of Little Kitchens Academy, says, “I own two Goldfish Swim School locations in Milwaukee where we teach children how to swim, and I am passionate about providing this life-saving skill. Little Kitchen Academy, in a way, is an extension of this. It allows me to offer children in our community the opportunity to learn practical life skills. They learn independence and develop a healthy relationship with food in a safe and empowering environment.”


Little Kitchens Academy will bring new experiences for children of many ages, providing a place to enjoy learning how to make food and spend time with new friends. The children will have a 3-hour cookie class and learn various recipes while being provided with fresh food from the grocery store to try their new recipes. This academy will be a very fun activity for youth and will help them build healthy habits for the future. The exact location of the academy is yet to be determined.


Ms. Casper was excited about the idea of bringing the business to Wisconsin as most locations of the academy franchise are in Canada. Ms. Casper states that “Little Kitchen Academy is a franchise that was founded in Vancouver, Canada. I had heard about them through the Goldfish Swim School franchise network and when Little Kitchen Academy reached out to me last summer, I immediately knew I wanted to learn more about this amazing business.” 


This business will be a very successful endeavor that will truly benefit the community. Children will learn all kinds of new skills and life lessons as they take on cooking and food prep. The classes will also be very fun and not just all about learning because after making the food, the child chefs will always be able to try the food that they put their hard work into! Milwaukee can’t wait to take a bite into this adventurous learning experience 

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