The Mighty Bobcats

Lucas, Guest Writer

The St. Robert seventh grade boys “A” basketball team has had a great start to the new season. The team goal is to have more wins than losses. Even though they’re not all going to be the best games, each one of them benefits the team’s defense, offense, and the team’s desire to win every single game that they play.

When the seventh grade boys played their most recent game against Messmer, they lost even though they tried their best. Number four on the opponent’s team was almost as tall as a grown adult.  He would drive to the hoop every chance he got.  Once they got further into the game, the Bobcats were able to shut him down and stop him from driving to the hoop. They were able to do this because they worked on their defense.

The boys basketball team has a “different” defense than the other teams, not because of the actual play, but because of how they run their defense.  The defense they play is a “1-3-1 trap.” People might say,  “I see people use that defense all the time,” but when the Bobcats play it, they go up on the person who has the ball and scream “ball!” or “trap!”. This allows the defender to distract the player and cause a bad pass or create a steal.

Joseph, a team member, states, “Our defense we use is good, but we could always use some work on it.”

 Joseph  plays on the block underneath the hoop and he runs back and forth to stop anybody from scoring. Joseph is also one of the tallest kids on our team.

But good teams don’t only have good defensive play, they also focus on offense. The seventh grade’s offense is great because they either get a fast break, or they are able to get the ball and cut to the hoop to get a layup and score. Their offense allows them to win a lot of the games and helps them keep every game close.

“I think that the offense is very strong and the team works very well together. The team also works hard getting the ball to the tall man down below and scoring,” stated Mr. Draver.

Mr. Draver is one of the assistant coaches that helps Mr. Kohlhoff  and Mr. Fox coach the Bobcats. Even though he is an assistant coach, he mostly coaches from the stands instead of the bench.

Another great strength of this Bobcat team is a good work ethic.  They work hard at practice and listen to the coaches during drills and scrimmage.  This effort at practice is what will help the team improve in games and tournaments.

The tournament is coming up soon, and this is where some of the best competition will be.  The games will be tougher to win, but the team is excited to play.

Joseph states, “I feel we that if we play to win, we can win any game against any team we play in the tournaments.”

This mighty Bobcat team might not be the tallest or the biggest. They might not be best team on the court every game. However, if they practice hard, listen to their coaches, and work on their offense and defense, they know they can play well.  This is an amazing team all around, and they continue to improve each and every game.  With this hard work and some hustle, they just might meet their goal of a victorious season!

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