Student Musicians at Mass

Carolina C., Columnist

This school year has introduced students to many new opportunities to contribute to the school community to be the light and serve through participation at Mass in the school’s weekly masses. One of the new programs that have been enhancing the Mass is the inclusion of student musicians. Students have been serving as cantors as well as playing the communion antiphon following the distribution of the Eucharist. Led by Mr. Zonliski, Ms. Rhode, and Mr. Perez, the students are excited to bring more of their musical talents to St. Robert.


 Earlier this year, the students were introduced to Ms. Rhode,  the new choir and general music teacher. Ms. Rhode is very excited to start bringing middle school cantors to Mass. She claims, “It’s important for older kids to participate in mass and serve God as a leader. Everybody is in a performing organization. And it is important that they share their musical talent.” Following the school motto this year – “Be the light” – Ms. Rhode believes that by serving as musicians at Mass, students can become an example of their Christian faith. Ms. Rhode is very overjoyed about bringing all the middle schoolers to perform  as she claims, “I’m really excited that the kids are taking ownership of their musical talents.” 


Now, the students are able to display their hard work by sharing their musical talent and growth. Ms. Rohde organized the middle school choir members into rotating groups to serve as cantors, and the music minister Ms. Sanchez aids the students in learning the music. Ms. Rhode and other music directors have taken on extra responsibility in the creation of this program. Ms. Rhode organizes these groups by age and vocal range, and “…making these groups I will most likely put tenors with tenor, and altos with altos etcetera.” Even though Ms. Rhode creates the groups, the music director Ms. Sanchez picks the songs. 


Middle School is not where this act of service ends, Ms. Luna, a student teacher, has put together the elementary students to form their own church choir group. So many students signed up for the choir that she had to split them up into multiple groups, taking turns to sing at the elementary school Mass every Thursday. Ms. Luna walks them through the music and practices with them each week. Finally, the band and strings students have also been given the opportunity to play their instruments from time to time during mass as well. 


Throughout the school students and teachers are excited to enhance their prayer life by sharing the talents that God has given them.

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