

Here at St. Robert we don’t really get to choose what to wear.  Our fashion wardrobes consist of plaid skirts, khaki pants, and polos. Exciting huh? Even though we all wear the same thing, each student adds their own unique spice to their uniform. This allows their personality to show through while they express themselves! Some trends that I have seen around school for girls are colorful bows in the hair, fun earrings, and also warm fall jackets! . For the boys I see colorful shoes and Nike Elites (on non-uniform days of course)  and also like the girls, great jackets for fall.


One student who really applies to this trend is sixth grader Avery Adams! His sweatshirt is one-of-a-kind and super cool, it’s called a baja hoodie he tells me that he likes it because, “It’s awesome.” Quite a description!

No one else has a sweatshirt like his and it doesn’t make it a trend, but sometimes being one of a kind is more important. You can start your own trend!


But now let’s talk about shoes! That’s one thing where we do have freedom when we wear our uniforms! And when we have freedom on part of the way we dress, we make sure to use that freedom! Students do that by wearing shoes that are colorful, have patterns, or are really comfortable. Plus we do wear these shoes for seven hours straight, so you better like the ones you pick! Some shoe brands that I have noticed through the hallway are Nike, Adidas, Sperry’s, Vans, Toms, and Converse. I think the reason a lot people are sporting these shoes is because they look good and feel good, which is the perfect combination!


When I asked 8th  grader Audrey Poorman what styles means to her, she explained to me that she believes that style is one way for her to “express herself to the world.” She also added, “That’s why unique style is important to me.” Another 8th grader, Harry Foster, touched on a point similar to Audrey’s when he said, ”Style and trends are always changing, and [style] gives you an opportunity to express yourself.”


Being stylish and trendy can be really fun and interesting, but having a special brand or type of clothing doesn’t always make something fashionable or “cool.”  A lot of the times things that are trendy and  are unique and different. Everyone has their own unique persona that comes through with what they choose to wear  and we need to embrace it. So embrace your style today!


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