Breaking News: Low-Sugar School Update!

Our Principal, Mrs. Beckmann, with the guidance of the School Advisory Board,, has made a new decision about the low sugar rule. Two new decisions are official and I have been given permission by Mrs. Beckmann herself to give the news. The principal said to me, “Birthdays will continue to be celebrated in the classroom.  Healthful food options are encouraged.  Given that dessert-like foods represent a strong symbolism and celebratory tradition, sweets will be allowed.  Moderation is encouraged, and teachers will attempt to hold such celebrations near the latter part of the day so as to minimize effects on behavior and learning. The Principal will have the discretion to waive sugar restrictions for periodic special celebrations or learning experiences where dessert foods are deemed to have a unique learning or cultural value (e.g., Pi Day).”

That is all the information for now and the students will hope for more. Chocolate milk is still out of the picture because there are other sources of calcium that Mrs. Beckmann wants to stay. Birthday treats and learning related treats will be allowed depending on time of day and amount. This is great news!   It will be a relief to not have a big rule of no sweets whatsoever, but to take part in a small treat once in a while.

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