Greyhounds and Bobcats Comparison

Do you like basketball and want to play a little more often than your St. Robert’s team plays? Well, there is a way! If you live in or near Shorewood you can play Shorewood Jr. Greyhounds basketball. The team is for kids in 4th through 8th grade. Normally, 4th and 5th grade combine teams, but otherwise every grade has its own team.

 A thing that you will need to do first is  make the team. Yes, Shorewood basketball is not like St. Robert’s basketball (where you are automatically on the team).  You need to try out, and if you make it, then you are on the team. Don’t worry, if you don’t make it, it isn’t the end of the world.

If you do make the team you will most likely be busy. You will probably have two practices a week for basketball, four if you also play for St. Robert. If you are in 4th grade, you will have two Shorewood practices and probably “Little People’s Basketball”, which is once a week.

Along with being a “select” team, kids on your team and the kids you play against will be pretty developed and play at a relatively high level.

Sean Timmis, a Greyhound player stated, “It is good competition and it is good practice.”  Some other teams in the league are from Whitefish Bay, Germantown, and Cedarburg, to name a few.

 Another thing that you will benefit from while playing for Shorewood is that you make friends. I think making friends who don’t go to your school is an awesome thing!

Like I said, if you love basketball you should totally try out!

For further information or questions you can email [email protected] and he will help you!


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